Classic Auto Detailing Service
Conveniently protect and enhance your investment by choosing Master Automotive Detail (M.A.D.) for all your vehicles, RVs, boats, motorcycles, personal aircrafts, and classic cars. With over 20 years experience, we’re dedicated to achieving 100% customer satisfaction with every vehicle detailing service.
Professional detailing protects your investment and increases the value of your car by maintaining and preserving the paint, exterior accents and interior materials of a vehicle. Your vehicles are one of your largest investments and are frequently neglected in the area of protectants against the elements. Harmful UV rays and environmental pollutants destroy the exterior finish on your vehicle. Paint finish is unavoidably scratched and dinged in parking lots and interiors are subjected to dirt, mud, dust, kids and pet hair. It can be a challenge to find the time to take care of your vehicle yourself or to locate a reliable detailing resource. With Master Automotive Detail (M.A.D.) you receive professional services and top quality work.Includes: Hand wash Interior cleaned and dressed with protectant Leather seats are cleaned and conditioned Carpets are shampooed Exterior is buffed with a variable speed buffer to remove oxidation Deep Wheel and Rim Cleaned Tires Cleaned and Dressed Windows Cleaned Inside and Out Headlight Restoration Paint is Hand Wiped with a Special Paste Wax
Starting Price: $200+
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